+39 039 601 48 21 vision@visionsys.it
Via Trento, 22 - 20871 Vimercate (MB)


Quality control of flat glass parts, both small (glass for smart phone screens) and large (glass panes for windows or buildings).

Our first approach in this field took place in 2008 and has come to be one of the sectors in which we operate most and in which we have reached a very high level of experience.
This sector is very important in Italy and is increasingly looking for innovative solutions to optimize its production. In particular, the perfection of the processing of glass products is fundamental for several reasons and, therefore, it needs constant quality control at the highest level.
The fact that this is clearly a great challenge has spurred us to VISION to do their utmost to create new solutions in the sector, today a sector in which we provide a 360 ° assistance service to our customers.


Vision approach

Glass is one of the sectors in which we are most present, but it is not the only variant of the web inspection sector in which we work and we provide:

  • Quality control of continuous tapes
  • In-line control of various types of slabs (glass, cardboard, plastic, fabrics …)
  • Detection of defects and dimensional checks

We carry out these operations and checks on continuous tapes and slabs of various types of materials such as glass, cardboard, plastic or fabrics.

The quality guarantee on 100% of the production translates into the detection of defects and the dimensional control of the object moving on the belts.

For the glass sector in particular we produce solutions for the quality control of flat glass portions both small (glass for the screen of smartphones) and large sizes (glass sheets for windows or buildings).

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